Photo of Katie Neill [Image by creator  from ]

Katie Grzechnik Neill

General Counsel & Regulatory Editor at insideARM

insideARM logo [Image by creator insideARM from ]


Posts Authored

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

N.D. Illinois Reviews Bona Fide Error Defense Where Debt Collector Serves Wrong Party with Same Name as Consumer

 [Image by creator  from ]

BCFP Enters Consent Order with Bluestem for Delayed Forwarding of Direct Payments on Sold Accounts

Kavanaugh Sworn in as U.S. Supreme Court Justice, May Impact ARM-Related Cases

Image of a ripped piece of brown paper exposing a white background and the word "dispute" [Image by creator tumsasedgars from AdobeStock]

Third Judge in D.N.J. Rules Language Inviting Calls with Questions in Validation Letter Does Not Mislead Consumers About Writing Requirement for Disputes

Rep. Waters Introduces House Bill to Require BCFP to Meet Its Statutory Purpose

Report Shows Profile of Borrowers Who are Likely to Default on Student Loan Debt

Blind justice figurine in font of old fashioned books [Image by creator Kaspars Grinvalds from AdobeStock]

E.D.N.Y. Sanctions Plaintiff and His Counsel for Failing To Voluntarily Dismiss or Amend Complaint Not Supported by Available Evidence

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

N.D. Illinois: Debt Buyer Cannot Collect Interest if Implicitly Waived by Original Creditor’s Actions; Finds Debt Buyer is Subject to FDCPA

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

Nevada Court Finds No Cognizable Injury-in-Fact in Avila Interest Disclosure Claim

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

M.D. Georgia Finds No Stand-Alone Defense for Relying on Debt Information Provided by Creditor

Chairman Pai Responds to Republican House Representatives on TCPA, Agrees Clarity Needed

Photo of courthouse building with "judicial" written on it [Image by creator Natalia Bratslavsky from AdobeStock]

BCFP Appeals S.D.N.Y. Opinion on Constitutionality, Issue Now Before Yet Another Appellate Court

Report Ordered on House Bill Requiring BCFP to Provide Guidance on Compliance with Consumer Financial Protection Laws

 [Image by creator  from ]

Democratic Senators Send Scalding Letter to Mulvaney, Demand Answers Following Resignation of Student Loan Ombudsman

A person pressing a red "full disclosure" button on a keyboard with white keys [Image by creator momius from AdobeStock]

BCFP Issues Interim Rule with New High Reading Level Model Disclosures for FCRA Security Freeze and ID Theft

Report on IRS Private Debt Collection Program Gives Good Reviews to Agencies, Criticized IRS Management of Program

Petition Filed for U.S. Supreme Court to Review Case re Constitutionality of BCFP Structure

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BCFP’s New Consumer Advisory Board Contains No Debt Collection Members

 [Image by creator  from ]

BCFP’s Supervisory Highlights About Verification of Debt Potentially Conflict with 7th Cir. Guidance and Raise Questions of Practicality

Piggy bank with stethoscope [Image by creator Andrey Popov from AdobeStock]

New Jersey's Out-of-Network Healthcare Billing Law Goes Into Effect