Who will pay the medical bills, expected to be in the millions, for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing?

NBCnews.com has a examined the question, and found that although it is too early for hard numbers and answers, the medical costs for the 70 hospitalized victims is estimated to exceed $9 million.

(UPDATE: The New York Times weighed in on the same question today)

Massachusetts by law requires all its citizens to carry health insurance, but at least one of the victims does not have insurance. Jeff Bauman, who lost both legs, became a hero when upon waking up in the hospital he requested to speak to authorities because he could identify at least one of the bombers. His friends and family have created a charity to raise an estimated $300,000.

In addition, it is likely that many of the victims are not from Massachusetts, as the Boston Marathon attracts people from all over the world and is popular draw for students from Boston’s many universities.

A likely scenario, says the NBC writer, is that medical bills will be paid by a variety of insurances, by charitable donations, and by healthcare providers who write off the cost to charitable care. Massachusetts has launched The One Fund Boston for the victims which as of yesterday had raised more than $7 million.

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