Recent studies have shown that almost half of traditional retailers have now acquired the ability to sell directly to their customer base over the Web. Most of those that have not done so yet, will within the near future.

A number of established catalogue based companies have moved to broaden their reach by establishing traditional stores. Retailers that exist purely online are now also looking to the physical world as another outlet for expanding sales. They will do this for many reasons, especially for the added ability they will gain in leveraging their brand assets. Why not leverage this asset in as many ways, and across as many channels, as possible? The key things to look for are what is driving these trends and what is making it possible.

Technology continues to bring the power of the Web to more people, and the creation of non-PC Web devices seems unstoppable. Partnership opportunities flourish and make the migration to new channels easier than ever. Entire industries have been established to help willing companies take the next step into new channels of marketing, delivery and customer services.

As stated already, one of the drivers of this is the desire to leverage well-established brands and brand names across more channels. Brands are extremely valuable assets, as the monetary value of a brand can be immeasurable. Companies are under constant pressure to improve return-on-assets. Leveraging brand assets across more market venues makes solid business sense for many retail, catalogue, and consumer packaged goods companies.

In addition, consumers are demanding it. Increasingly, consumers expect the products, services and brands that they know to be available, wherever and whenever they need them. Consumers expect to find their trusted brand name retailers wherever it is convenient to find them; the Web, the local shopping mall or on their coffee table.

Next Article: The Need for Autocash in the Collection ...
