Austin, Texas-based Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, invests tens of millions every year on its technology so it can handle hundreds of thousands of phone calls, mail millions of demand letters and file tens of thousands of lawsuits and bankruptcy claims.


To protect this investment, the collector has also worked to ensure the security of its systems from internal and external security threats. Linebarger addresses this challenge by using multiple layers of security, a strategy espoused by an increasing number of experts.


Linebarger runs event monitoring and logging software from Computer Associates that also provides automated alert notifications of potential security threats. Another CA application enables the firm to standardize workstation configuration and monitor if anyone has changed it, which could open up the workstation to a security threat.


Firewall and intrusion protection solutions from Cisco help monitor and prevent any intrusion attempts at the router level. Routers are increasingly favorite targets of hackers. The firm also has a secondary firewall through Microsoft ISA server.


Microsoft and IronMail provide dual anti-spam and anti-virus protection.


Physical security and environmental protections help protect the firm from natural threats such as power outages, weather-related problems and other security issues. The firm’s data center has 24×7 video surveillance on all entrances and exits, as well as a monitored intrusion access system (monitored by ADT) that requires two-level authentication. The data center also has dedicated air conditioning units, dual power supplies, and a dedicated emergency generator that can power the entire data center in the event of an electricity failure.

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