Mired in credit card debt because you?re slammed with late fees on top of your spending? Wachovia has an answer for you: another credit card.

Though it bid good-bye to its credit card arm back in 2000 due to corporate restructuring, Wachovia is back with a card offering fewer and smaller fees. The new Visa cards will also forgive customers one late payment every twelve months.

?Wait a minute,? you?re saying. ?I?ve got a Wachovia credit card in my wallet/purse/pocket/neighbor?s name right here!? Well, kinda. Those Wachovia credit cards were actually issued by MBNA under a contract with Wachovia. These new cards are straight from the bank ? and ready for charging.

Expect the new cards on Monday, July 31, just in time for back-to-school shopping.

Next Article: Law Firms Merge to Form Debt-Collection Practice
