Six Connecticut state marshals last year each grossed more than $500,000 serving foreclosure papers, according to a story today in the Hartford Courant newspaper.

One marshal, John T. Fiorillo, grossed more than $2 million, serving foreclosure papers on financial institutions, homeowners and town clerk offices, and are paid a fee ranging from $350 to $400 per service, the paper reported.

The state marshals are independent contractors and not state employees, despite their titles. Two law firms – Hunt Liebert Jacobson, and Reiner, Reiner and Bendett – control much of the state’s business and contract the state marshals to serve the foreclosure papers.

The Courant found the gross income for the state’s 217 marshals because they are required to file annual income statements with the Office of State Ethics.

One marshal said that the economic downturn has meant an increase in his business.

“What you have to understand is that when the economy is bad, our business picks up,” said Charles Ferrato, who grossed more than $865,000 in 2007 as a marshal for Hartford County. “The amount of foreclosures coming in is mind-boggling. This is why we’re so busy. The court can’t even keep up with them all.”

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