PHILADELPHIA, Pa. -- Sabatina & Associates, a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), is seeking a partner and mentor with which to form joint ventures to pursue various government contracts through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s All Small Mentor Protégé Program.
The program allows the parties to form joint ventures able to assert the SDVOSB status of the protégé firm and receive preferential treatment in Federal contracting opportunities, for example. The mentor can perform up to 60% of a resulting joint venture’s work and own up to a 40% interest in the protégé also. Any qualified business can become a mentor under the program. The U.S. Department of Education (ED), for example, a significant client to the debt collection industry, has never met its prime spending goals for SDVOSBs in any spending year for which data is available going back to 2006, and has only sporadically met SDVOSB subcontracting goals.
Joint ventures can also be formed to compete for subcontracts. ED solicitation 91003119R0008 (NextGen Business Process Operations) calls for contractors to spend 3% of contract revenue with SDVOSBs. For every $1 billion spent with contractors by ED for what is expected to be a massive, long-term Federal contract, a 3% spending requirement equates to $30 million in required spending with SDVOSBs. Sabatina & Associates can also easily move into a Federal HUBZone and become certified in that program as well.
Potential mentors and individuals with long résumé in Federal contracting interested in discussing opportunities should call 215-742-8600 and ask to speak with Mr. John Sabatina.