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 [Image by creator enterlinedesign from AdobeStock]

Legal Action Letter Language Not Considered a False Threat of Litigation

28 May 2020

A person pushing a button on a laptop that appears to have illustrated white envelopes jumping out of it [Image by creator ra2 studio from AdobeStock]

Greene v. TrueAccord Further Refines Email Best Practices

20 May 2020

 [Image by creator enterlinedesign from AdobeStock]

E.D.N.Y. Dismisses Another "Lawyer's Case" For Attempting to Twist Collection Letter Language into an FDCPA Violatoin

5 May 2020

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

Letter Format/Overshadowing Claims Continue to Fall Flat in E.D.N.Y.

30 April 2020

A judge's gavel sitting on a pile of cash [Image by creator Pakhnyushchyy from AdobeStock]

If Consumer Doesn't Dispute, Creditor Can Also Assume Debt is Valid, Says M.D. Florida (Citing 11th Cir. Case that Already Disposed of the Issue)

9 April 2020

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

5th Cir. Holds No FDCPA Violation When Collection Letter Stated That Amount Due ‘May’ Increase

2 April 2020

 [Image by creator enterlinedesign from AdobeStock]

No More Circuit Split: Third Circuit Finds No Written Requirement in 1692g(a)(3), Overturns Graziano

31 March 2020

Image of a man's arm punched through a yellow wall, giving a thumbs up [Image by creator WayhomeStudio from AdobeStock]

ERC Wins Sanctions Against Plaintiff and Plaintiff's Counsel, Court Awards Debt Collector its Defense Costs and Fees

11 March 2020

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

Quick FDPCA Stats from the iA Case Law Tracker

27 February 2020

Business man yelling into a megaphone [Image by creator motortion from AdobeStock]

Big Week in the 7th Circuit: Settlement Offers, Envelopes, Creditor ID, and More

23 January 2020

Photo of courthouse building with "judicial" written on it [Image by creator Natalia Bratslavsky from AdobeStock]

Sixth Circuit Holds Consumer Lacked Standing To Pursue “Meaningful Attorney Involvement” Claim

8 January 2020

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

Supplemental NPRM for Time-Barred Debts Coming "Very Early in 2020"

19 December 2019

Blind justice figurine in font of old fashioned books [Image by creator Kaspars Grinvalds from AdobeStock]

7th Cir. Reverses Dismissal of FDCPA Claim Involving Statement That 1099C Form May Be Filed

10 December 2019

Referee indicating timeout [Image by creator sixdays from AdobeStock]

E.D.N.Y. Calls Out Abuse of FDCPA, Confirms 1692g Requirements Don't Apply to Subsequent Letters

5 December 2019

Business man yelling into a megaphone [Image by creator motortion from AdobeStock]

Second Circuit Double-Hitter: Neither "$0.00" Nor "N/A" in Debt Itemization Confuses Consumers about Static Debts

6 November 2019

Toddler looking confused [Image by creator Chris Mautz from AdobeStock]

No, Sending Information to Your Mail Vendor is Not Third-Party Disclosure, Says M.D. Fla.

31 October 2019

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

"Balance Due As Of" Does Not Imply Balance Will Increase, According to E.D. Pa.

29 October 2019

 [Image by creator Cla78 from AdobeStock]

Third Circuit will Review Written Dispute Requirement Issue En Banc

15 October 2019

 [Image by creator BillionPhotos from AdobeStock]

CFPB's Semi-Annual Report Contains Some, But Not Much, Information About Debt Collection

10 October 2019

A judge's gavel sitting on a pile of cash [Image by creator Pakhnyushchyy from AdobeStock]

Court Awards Attorney Fees to Debt Collector, Finds Plaintiff Filed FDCPA Case in Bad Faith

4 September 2019