American Profit Recovery, a collection agency in Massachusetts with additional offices in Michigan and North Carolina spent many hours out of the office and in the community in 2011. After totaling up the entire company’s contributions to various causes, they have once again been proud to support many worthy organizations.

American Profit Recovery once again raised and contributed over $30,000 to a whole host of charities in 2011 including American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, The ACA Educational Foundation, Veteran’s Charities including ARMing Heroes as well as Ronald McDonald Charities, Autism Speaks, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and several others. In all, 23 charities were the recipient of charitable dollars donated by the company in 2011.

The collection agency did this through participating in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks, taking part in various service days including PLANET Day of Service on Earth Day, internal efforts including the company’s Charity of Choice Effort, Collector’s Challenge Week and several other team initiatives. Through other efforts, employees collected over 50 warm weather coats for veterans and spent time creating activity books for young patients at Boston’s Children’s Hospital.

The company is also proud to announce that collectively, they contributed over 300 volunteer hours all coming from employees and management of American Profit Recovery. In all the company participated in 10 service projects throughout the year that also included a year-end holiday tradition of purchasing and delivering goods and toys to families in need. The company’s Adopt a Family program caps off a year of community service at the time it is needed most.

“We are not only investing in the communities we live in but we are investing in a culture of community service and giving back,” states Jeff DiMatteo, a partner at American Profit Recovery. “This culture helps us raise more money for the causes we care deeply about and fosters a greater sense of the greater good and teamwork here.”

Next Article: Access to Old Collection Documents Becoming Increasingly ...
