San Diego — With over 80 percent of all court-ordered judgments never collected, individuals and organizations miss out on over $1 billion in entitled compensation per year in the United States.

Collecting compensation can be more difficult than one may imagine, as there is relatively little enforcement by the police or court system. This leaves most individuals on their own, with a small chance of actually collecting all of the money they are owed.

By taking certain actions, individuals can collect their compensation. For example, they can attempt to garnish wages, levy bank accounts or using various online sources like Google, try and locate the debtor.

“Judgments are subject to a statute of limitations, so people who are owed compensation must act quickly or lose out,” Weihe said. “As a result, it’s difficult to recover 100 percent of your entitlement, if anything at all.”

San Diego-based Premiere Judgment Recovery Specialists helps clients across the country receive their entitled compensation by using the most technologically advanced methodology. The firm’s professional investigators are experienced in locating a debtor’s assets and using the legal system in order to seize them.

The firm serves individuals, businesses and organizations across the United States, helping to recover judgments of all sizes. It takes care of all of the paperwork and court fees and filings in all 50 states.

To schedule a free, no obligation consultation, contact Premiere Judgment Recovery Specialists (

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